Day 1, Tuesday, November 10, 2015

10:00 – 10:30 Registration and Welcome coffee
10:30 – 11:00 Team presentation and agenda
11:00 – 12:00 UL101 & 100 Years HazLoc

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 14:00 Uwe Klausmeyer (10 Years cooperation between UL and PTB)
14:00 – 14:30 Main Differences between IECex, ATEX and HazLoc
14:30 – 14:45 Coffee break
14:45 – 16:00 GMA for HazLoc
16:30 – 17:00 Questions and Answers
19:00 – 23:00 Evening Event – please register for full details

Day 2, Wednesday, November 11, 2015

09:15 – 09:30 short welcome and agenda for the day
09:30 – 11:00 Workshops
a) Requirements for electrical panels for HazLoc combined with
b) Offshore / Requirements for Offshore applications, oil rigs

11:00 – 11:30 News and Services
11:30 – 12:00 Questions and Conclusions
12:00 – 12:30 Q & A and discussion with our Engineers

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch


UL International Germany GmbH
Bundesallee 100
38116 Braunschweig

Registration page